Gettysburg Seminar Papers

The End of the Campaign and Battle's Aftermath


The Battle of Gettysburg lasted three days. Its aftermath lasted nearly five months, and for some, the effects of the battle lasted a lifetime. This is fourth, and final, volume in the Gettysburg National Military Park series of seminars covering the Gettysburg Campaign, battle and aftermath. The series began in 2004. These are the papers of the 2010 Seminar The Aftermath and End of the Gettysburg Campaign. The papers range widely in subject matter, from an assessment of the generalship of Robert E. Lee and George G. Meade in the campaign from Gettysburg to the Potomac, to the important and often difficult role played by the Union Provost Marshal and his Provost Guard in the aftermath of the battle, to a study of the U.S. General Hospital Camp Letterman which played such a critical role in the saving of lives, and more. The student of Gettysburg will find much of interest in this volume.

Several people deserve special mention in the preparation of this book and in helping to make the seminar a success. Evangelina Rubalcava managed all the logistics of the seminar, an often thankless task but also an indispensible one. She performed this task superbly in all the seminars of this series. Thanks also to Chris Little, our excellent copy-editor, John Heiser, our outstanding mapmaker, and Angie Atkinson, who thankfully relieved me of the onerous task of book layout.

We dedicate this volume to the memory of those who lost their lives in the Gettysburg Campaign; to their families, and also to those who survived the horrors of Gettysburg but suffered its effects, physically or emotionally, for the rest of their lives.

D. Scott Hartwig,
Supervisory Historian
February, 2012