April 21 |
8:30 | Introduction | Ross Holland |
8:45 | Welcome | Jerry Wagers |
9:00 | 11593 | Bob Utley |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | List of Classified Structures |
12:00 | Lunch | Hank Judd Bob Utley |
1:30 | Section 106 | Syd Bradford, Panel Leader Bill Brown |
3:00 | Break |
3:30 | Historic Structure Reports | Hugh Miller, Panel Leader John Garner John Luzader Keith Anderson |
5:00 | Cocktails (At the Bradford) |
April 22 |
8:00 | Historic Preservation Slide Show | Dave Clary Vance Kaminski |
8:30 | HRMP | Dave Clary, Panel Leader Cal Cummings |
9:30 | Historic Preservation | Russ Dickenson |
9:45 | Maintenance of Historic Structures | Denis Galvin, Panel Leader Dave Battle Lowell Sturgill Blaine Cliver George Cattanach |
10:15 | Coffee Break |
10:45 | Maintenance (Cont'd.) |
12:00 | Lunch |
1:30 | The Role of DSC | Ross Holland, Moderator Vern Smith Jim Coleman Fred Bohannon Harry Pfanz |
3:00 | Break |
3:30 | The Role of DSC (Cont'd.) |
5:00 | Close of Session |
6:30 | Cash Bar - Purcell's Restaurant 10 City Hall Avenue |
7:30 | Dinner |
| Speaker | Mr. David M. Hart, Director of Consulting Services, Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities |
| Subject | National Park Service Historic Preservation - The Contractor's View |
April 23 |
8:30 | The Park's View of Historic Preservation | Russ Berry, Panel Leader Glen Gray Hobie Cawood Charles Voll |
10:15 | Coffee Break |
10:45 | The Park's View of Historic Preservation (Cont'd.) |
12:00 | Lunch |
1:30 | Park Planning and Historic Preservation | Charlie Clapper, Panel Leader Merrill Mattes Glennie Murray Wall John Dobrovolny Dave Dame |
3:00 | Coffee Break |
3:30 | Park Planning and Historic Preservation (Cont'd.) |
4:30 | Historic Resources Data Management and System | Doug Scovill |
5:00 | Close of Conference |