Cover: "For God’s Sake Forward" by Don Troiani.
Courtesy, Historical Art Prints, Southbury, CT 06488-0660,
The First Day at Gettysburg
D. Scott Hartwig

(The following essays are in PDF format)
I Could Tell You a Thousand Stories of Their Heroism:
Voices of the Gettysburg Campaign and First Day of Battle
Eric A. Campbell
Our Whole Force Was Directed to Concentrate at Gettysburg:
Confederate Operational Considerations: Advance to Gettysburg
William G. Hewitt, Lt. Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)
Walking Point: John Buford on the Road to Gettysburg
Michael Phipps
Why Gettysburg?:
An Analysis of the Command Decisions and Intelligence Failures That Led to Gettysburg
Anthony Nicastro
I Have Never Seen the Like Before:
Herbst Woods, July 1, 1863
D. Scott Hartwig
The Batteries Fired With Very Decided Effect:
Confederate Artillery Operations on the First Day at Gettysburg
Bert Barnett
General Daniel’s Gallant Brigade:
Brigadier General Junius Daniel’s North Carolina Brigade on July 1
Karlton D. Smith
It Was Their Intention, While Entangling Us, To Cut Us Off From The Town Entangled Intentionally:
The 11th Army Corps and Battle North of Town
Troy D. Harman
We sleep here in obedience to law; when duty called we came, when country called we died:
General George Doles Georgia Brigade on July 1
Matt Atkinson

“Old Braves,” by Charles W. Reed, 9th Massachusetts Battery