American Charcoal Making (continued)
From the time the pit was first fired until the last
piece of charcoal was hauled away by the teamster, with his large
swaying wagon drawn by six sturdy mules, the pit had to be tended
constantly. A master collier and one or two helpers "coaled" together,
working as many as eight or nine pits at a time. The hearths were
situated about the distance of a city block from one another throughout
the various charcoal tracts, and the collier's hut was placed as
conveniently as possible to the group of pits then being "coaled."
Preparing a hearth.
The hut was always conical in form, having a base
about 8 feet in diameter and a height of about 10 feet. Three-inch poles
were used for the uprights, and more slender poles filled the
interstices between them. Leaves were used to cover the structure and to
form a mat so that the final dressing of topsoil would not sift through
the few remaining crevices. A door just large enough for one man to get
through was placed on the "pit side" of the hut. A wood stove and rough
log bunks were the furnishings of this temporary abode.
The hearth, or base, of the charcoal pit was simply a
flat space 30 or 40 feet in diameter and free of all brush, roots, and
stumps. An open level spot was chosen, and much care was taken that the
surface of the hearth was hard and smooth so as to afford good shoveling
and raking of the coal. If one side of the chosen location slanted
downhill the opposite side was dug out enough to make the fill on the
lower side absolutely level. The hearth had to be level to assure
uniform burning.
Hauling in the wood.
The word pit is misleading, for it refers
simply to the structure as a whole, including the hearth and the pile of
wood; and in no way should it convey an impression of a hole in the
ground. When a hearth once had been made, it lasted indefinitely and, in
fact, improved with age and use because the charcoal dust which remained
after a pit had been burned off was serviceable as a covering for the
next pit burned on the same location. Because of the lack of dust on a
new pit, wood often was hauled some distance in order to take advantage
of an old hearth. Charcoal dust disintegrated little and afforded to
plant life a rich supply of food material in the form of carbon. It
therefore was necessary, when preparing an old hearth for refiring, to
remove the vegetation and debris so that the old dust might be cleaned
and raked back in a ring on the circumference of the hearth in readiness
for the final covering of the pit.
The collier's responsibilities did not begin until
the wood had been sledded in from the woodchopper's ranks to the hearth
and there set on end until the entire surface was filled. This wood
usually was cut during the winter months and allowed to season until the
coaling operations began in late spring. Because of high winter and
spring winds and other unfavorable weather conditions, the pits were
fired only during the months from May until late October. Colliers often
became woodchoppers during the winter in order to receive a full year's
The area of woodland to be cut off for coaling was
divided among the woodchoppers into narrow strips about 20 axhandles
apart and extending the full length of the tract. The woodsmen then
attempted to fell their trees so that the tops would come together along
these dividing lines.
Method of placing lap-wood on
the dust ring.
Lap-wood and billets are the names
given to the two sizes of wood used by the colliers to "set up" their
charcoal pits. The lap-wood ranged in size from 1-1/2 to 4 inches in
diameter, while the billets varied from 4 to 7 inches. All wood was cut
in 4-foot lengths. The billets were split out of the main trunks of the
trees, and the branches provided most of the lap-wood. The ends of each
billet and pieces of lap-wood were cut purposely on a bias so that in
setting the pit a rounded top or head could be formed more easily to
keep the leaves and dust, which were used as a smudge blanket, from
rolling off the structure.
The woodchopper "ranked" his wood as he cut,
separating each cord by upright poles so that the owner, in computing
the chopper's wages, could count the number of cords readily. The wages
were based on the amount of wood cut, 8 shillings and 6 pence a cord
being a good price in the early days.
Filling a hearth with lap-wood
and billets.
The man who brought in the billets and lap-wood from
the woodchopper's ranks to the hearth was called the "woodhauler." A
mule, a horse, or even an ox was used to drag his rustic wood sled
which, when loaded, would carry perhaps half a cord. The haul from the
ranks to the hearth was made as short as possible and always downhill.
Hearths were placed so that they were at the bottom of a rise.
The sled was fashioned crudely with wooden runners
extending its entire length, which was about 5 feet. Rough boards
surfaced the top and four upright posts kept the billets and lap-wood
from rolling off. The joints of the sled were constructed loosely in
order to allow plenty of "give" under the rack and strain of a heavy
load being dragged over stumps, fallen logs, and rough ground.
The road leading to the pit always went right through
the center of the hearth so that the hauler could unload easily and
drive out at the other side on his way for another load. The hearth was
filled by the hauler, not the collier. Driving his sled to the center of
the hearth, the hauler, who always walked beside his mule, placed each
billet and piece of lap-wood on its end, starting at the outer ring of
dust and working toward the center. The first few loads were of lap-wood
only. It was laid crosswise on the top of the ring of dust in order to
give a substantial support for the billets and other lap-wood to lean
against. Another reason for hauling in lap-wood first and placing it on
the ring was the next operation of setting the pit. Here work was begun
at the center of the hearth and the pit built out to the circumference,
thus leaving the small wood to "lap-off" the outside. When the hauler
had filled the hearth with wood, his job was finished.
Constucting the chimney.
Pit ready for covering.