Gardens Of The Colonists*
By V. R. Ludgate, Landscape Architect, National Park Service.
MOST aspects of America's colonial development
classify themselves naturally in accordance with a scheme which observes
the performance of the immutable laws of environment and national
ancestry. So it is with her historic gardens. From the New England
Puritans in the north to the Spaniards in the far south there may be
seen an inevitable diversity of expression evolved from opposed
influences. From the severely enclosed Puritan gardens, through the neat
trimness of the plots of the painstaking New York and Pennsylvania
Dutch, to the spacious areas of the tobacco planters of Virginia, and
ending in the south with the careless style of the Spaniards, the
influences of environment and heritage are manifested.
A portion of the colonial herb and
vegetable garden at George Washington Birthplace National Monument
in Westermoreland County, Va. The memorial mansion is seen in the
Unlike the New England Puritans who came to America
to avoid persecution and to establish settlements where they might
conduct their religious life without intervention, the Virginia settlers
were tradesmen, farmers, skilled artisans, and, in many cases, persons
of means who came in search of adventure. Contrary to a popular belief,
all of them were not dandies and gallants
whose only skill concerned the use of fighting implements, and,
despite hardships to which they naturally were unaccustomed,
within a short time of their arrival "a garden was laid off, and
the seeds of fruits and vegetables not indigenous to the country"
were planted. Unfortunately few records were made of the names
of these fruits and vegetables.
Tobacco was one of the first crops planted, and its cultivation
is one of the primary influences in the development of the widely
separated estates so typical even now of Virginia. Because these
estates were established so far apart that
communication with other sections was difficult, each naturally tended
to become a tiny unit sufficient unto itself and responsible for raising
and producing all the materials necessary for the well-being of its
inhabitants. The plantations were enlarged continually in order to
embrace the rich new soil necessary for the growth of tobacco, and the
ultimate result was the formation of a series of tiny kingdoms, which,
with the later importation of slaves, became increasingly
self-sustaining. The planters provided also for their own herbs and
"simples" which, in the absence of doctors, were so necessary in case
of illness or injury. Other crops were raised, of course, and the
logical route for distribution of these, after they were gathered, was
by waterthe cheapest and most accessible artery of commerce.
Another view of the garden at
George Washington Birthplace National Monument.
Instructions to Governor Berkeley in 1641 provided
that every colonist holding 100 acres of land should establish a garden
and orchard carefully protected by a fence, ditch, or hedge. Governor
Berkeley himself had 1,500 apple, peach, apricot, quince, and other
fruit trees which must have been so protected. This safeguard was
undoubtedly, in the majority of cases, the "rail fence" so typical of
Virginia, which could be taken down and moved. A description of one of
these fences, as given by Thomas Anburey in 1689, is interesting. He
The fences and enclosures in this province are
different from the others, for those to the northward are made either of
stone or rails let into posts, about a foot asunder; here they are
composed of what is termed fence rail which are made out of trees
cut or sawed into lengths of about 12 feet, that are mould or split into
rails 4" to 6" diameter.
When they form an enclosure, these rails are laid so
that they cross each other obliquely at each end, and are laid
zig-zag to the amount of 10 or 11 rails in height. Then stakes
are put against each corner, double across, with the lower ends drove
a little into the ground, and about these stakes is
placed a rail of double the size of the others, which is termed the
rider, which, in a manner, locks up the whole and keeps the fence firm
and steady.
These enclosures are generally 7' to 8' high, they
are not very strong, but convenient, as they can be removed to any other
place; from a mode of constructing these enclosures in zig-zag
form, the New Englanders have a saying, when a man is in liquor, he
is making Virginia fences.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Other forms of enclosures mentioned in early
literature are the hedgerow and the paling, which was undoubtedly the
forerunner of the picket fence. These pales were sharp-pointed stakes
driven into the ground, set close enough together to bar even the
smallest animal, and fastened top and bottom to a horizontal stay. It
was this type of fence which surrounded the gardens and orchards in the
vicinity of the house, with the idea, perhaps, that they were a
refinement over the crudities of the rail fence, ditch, or hedgerow.
The Wick farm in Morristown National Historical
Park, Morristown, N.J., has been restored as nearly as possible in
conditions which prevailed during the Revolutionary Period. Above
may be seen a corner of the garden near the restored dwelling.
Colonel Fitzhugh, in letters written during the
latter part of the seventeenth century, mentions his garden particularly
as being "pailed in." Unquestionably no old garden was without its
enclosure, and "so instinctive was the impulse to set apart, that
inside the main defence which shut out the rest of the world, secondary
divisions were again divided, and these in turn outlined. Thus from the
palisade and rail fence down to the fragrant, stubby little edging of
sheared thyme or lavender, there is a well-defined line of descent."1
The first gardens of the settlers were undoubtedly
crude affairs, serving the severely utilitarian purpose of supplying the
master of the plantation with a variety of vegetables for his tables as
well as medicines in the form of herbs for his use against disease.
An act in 1624 was established requiring the settlers to plant gardens as a
provision against famine. And now, what did some of the colonial gardens
Parkinson's Paradise, published in England in 1629, which
probably exerted an influence on our early gardens, gives us an
indication of some of the more practical uses of plant materials, with
instructions in garden planning:
Lavendula.Lavender is little used in
inward physic, but outwardly the oyle for cold and benumined parts, and
is almost wholly spent with us, for to perfume linen, apparel, gloves,
leather, etc., and the dyed flowers to comfort and dry the moisture of a
cold brain.
Basil.The physical properties are to procure a cheerful
and merry heart, whereunto the seed is chiefly used in powder.
Marjoram.To ease pains, and put into
Antidotes, as a remedy against the poison of venomous beasts.
Thyme.Oyle used in pils for
the head and stomach. It is also much used for toothache.
pectoral medicines, to cut phlegm. For cuts and wounds. Diseases of the
Pennyroyal.Good for lungs, to comfort the stomach and
stay vomiting, in baths to comfort the sinews.
Sage.Gargles and mouth washes.
Mint.Applied with salt is a good help for the biting of
a mad dogg.
Tansy.For weak reins and kidney's. For worms in
Burnet.Put a few leaves in a cup with Claret . .
. is accounted to make the heart merry. Also used in vulnerary drinks
and to stay fluxes and bleedings. In contagious and pestilential agues.
Your knots or beds being prepared fitly, as before is declared,
you may place and order your roots therein thus: Either many roots of one kind
set together in a round or cluster, or long ways cross a bed one by another,
whereby the beauty of many flowers of one kind being together,
may make a fair show well pleasing to many; or else you may plant one or two in a place
dispersedly over the whole knot, as your store will suffice you or your
knot permit! Or you may also mingle those in their planting many divers
sorts together, that they may give the more glorious show when they are
in flower.
The restored garden in Morristown
National Historical Park contains vegetables, herbs, and flowers,
typical of colonial days.
Another early book, Randolph's Treatise on
Gardening, recommends the following materials for the vegetable
garden: Artichokes, asparagus, kidney beans, cabbage, broccoli,
cauliflower, celery, parsley, cucumber, currants (red and white) ,
chamomile, celandine (annual), ground ivy, heclera turesris,
horseradish, honeysuckles, hyssop, lavender, lettuce, marjoram,
althea-marsh mallow, mint, melon (canteloupe), mullein, parsnips,
peas, raspberry, rosemary (rosmarinus), and strawberry (in beds
with alleys 2 feet wide).
In spite of Beverley's remark made as late as 1705,
"They haven't many fine gardens in that country fit to bear the name of
gardens," the influence of the mother country ultimately proved itself
in the magnificent garden developments of the Virginia colonial capital
at Williamsburg, which have been restored so ably as a living memorial
to our pioneers.
*From The Regional Review
(National Park Service, Region One, Richmond, Va.), Vol. II, No. 1, January 1939, pp.
1Grace Tabor, Old-Fashioned Gardening,
A History and a Reconstruction. Robert M. McBride & Co., 1925.
pp. 183-184.