Chimney Rock
National Monument
Park Photo
USFS photo

At Chimney Rock you can imagine the landscape as it was a thousand years ago, with cultivated fields and settlements extending from the valley floors to the mesa tops. Chimney Rock represents one of the largest Pueblo II (900-1150 AD) communities in southwestern Colorado and is considered a Chacoan cultural "outlier."

The Chimney Rock National Monument encompasses 4,726 acres of the San Juan National Forest between Durango and Pagosa Springs, Colorado. The Chimney Rock Interpretive Program is managed and staffed by the U.S. Forest Service and Chimney Rock Interpretive Association. In addition to daily guided walking tours, special events and school tours are also offered.

Source: USFS Website (May 2023)


Chimney Rock National Monument — September 21, 2012

For More Information
Please Visit The
Link to Official USFS Website


Archaeological Investigations at Chimney Rock Mesa: 1970-1972 Memoirs of the Colorado Archaeological Society No. 1 (Frank W. Eddy, 1977)

Archaeological Research in the Northeastern San Juan Basin of Colorado During the Summer of 1921 (Jean Allard Jeancon, 1922)

Chimney Rock Archeological Area (U.S. Forest Service, 1988)

Management Plan, Chimney Rock National Monument Final (August 2015)

Management Plan: Final Environmental Impact Statement, Chimney Rock National Monument (August 2015)

Proclamation 8868—Establishment of the Chimney Rock National Monument (Barack Obama, September 21, 2012)

The Chimney Rock Archaeological Symposium U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report RM-227 (J. McKim Malville and Gary Matlock, eds., June 1993; October 20-21, 1990, Durango, Colorado)

Introduction and Background

     Introduction Gary Matlock

     Welcome to the Symposium Susan M. Collins

     Some Thoughts on Chimney Rock David A. Breternitz

     Changing Times at Chimney Rock Robert York

     History of Research at Chimney Rock Frank W. Eddy

Recent Field Research

     Recent Research at Chimney Rock Frank W. Eddy

     Chimney Rock and the Moon: The Shrine at the Edge of the World J. McKim Malville

     Clay Sourcing at Chimney Rock: The Chemistry and Mineralogy of Feather Holders and Other Ceramics Mary Sullivan and J. McKim Malville

     Chimney Rock and Chaco Canyon Resource Distribution and the Chaco Phenomenon W. James Judge

     Intracommunity Interactions at Chimney Rock: The Inside View of the Outlier Problem Jeannette L. Mobley-Tanaka

     Settlement Analogues for Chimney Rock: A Model of 11th & 12th Century Northern Anasazi Society Allen E. Kane

     Bonito Style Community Structures: Chimney Rock Pueblo in Regional Context John R. Roney

     Chimney Rock and Chaco Canyon: A Critical Re-examination of the Outlier Concept Gordon C. Tucker Jr.

     Wallace Ruin: Implications for Outlier Studies Bruce Bradley

     The Evolution of the Chacoan Polity David R. Wilcox


     Forest, Trees, and Archaeological Vision: A Parable From Chimney Rock Philip Duke


Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025