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1915 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR,, SIR: I have the honor to submit the following annual report on the Platt National Park for 1915: GENERAL STATEMENT. By the acts of Congress of July 1, 1902 (32 Stat., 641), and April 21, 1904 (33 Stat., 220), 629.33 and 218.98 acres, respectively, at the town of Sulphur, Okla. (then Indian Territory), were segregated as the "Sulphur Springs Reservation," which designation, by joint resolution approved June 29, 1906, was changed to "Platt National Park." The park, with a total area of 848.22 acres, extends in irregular form a distance of approximately 3 miles from northeast to southwest along Travertine Creek, including a portion of Rock Creek, into which the Travertine empties, and it has a circuit of 9 miles. Within the park are a number of known mineral and three non-mineral springs, one of the latter (the Cold Spring) having been developed and confined during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913. The principal groups of springs in the park are the Bromide and Medicine Springs in the extreme western portion of the park, the Beach, Pavilion, and Hillside Springs in the north central portion of the park, and the Bromide-Sulphur, Black Sulphur, and Wilson Springs in the south central part of the park. Sulphur springs predominate. The Antelope and Buffalo Springs, nonmineral in character, are situated at the extreme northeastern end of the park, with an elevation of 1,080 feet above sea level at the Antelope Spring and 1,078 feet at the Buffalo. They have an approximate discharge of 5,000,000 gallons daily into Travertine Creek and are the source of this beautiful creek. The Medicine Spring was discovered within the last few years, and the work of confining the water of this spring and conveying it to the pavilion at Bromide Springs has been completed, although in a rather unsatisfactory manner, as the spring in its present condition fills up with every flood which comes down Rock Creek. This feature of this improvement has been exceptionally troublesome during the last few months of the fiscal year ended June 30, 1915, for the reason that Rock Creek was flooded by numerous heavy rains and the Medicine Spring was submerged by every flood thus rendering the water unfit for use after every rain until the spring could be cleaned out. VISITORS. It is impossible to give an accurate account of the visitors to the Platt National Park during the year, for the reason that there is no way to determine the number. Visitors to the park all are domiciled in the city of Sulphur, some in hotels and boarding houses and others in private homes or rooming houses. Even if a correct register of the guests at the hotels and boarding houses could be obtained, there would still be guests at private homes and numbers of small rooming houses in the city who would not be numbered. However, I estimate that about 18,000 to 20,000 visitors came here last year. There were registered in the park office a total of 569 persons who came into the park and camped for three days or more. As shown by the records of the watchman at the Bromide Springs, the visitors there during the year just ended numbered 113,563, exceeding the attendance during the preceding year by 896. This aggregate number of visitors to this spring does not represent as many individuals, but is made up from day to day of visitors and resident citizens who make frequent trips to the springs. During the year just ended 161 orders were issued from this office, on physician's prescriptions, for the shipment of the Bromide and Medicine waters in 5-gallon quantities to persons outside of the city. These shipments were made to various points in Oklahoma and Texas. There were also some shipments to Kansas, Arkansas, Chicago, Ill., and Brooklyn and New York City. There were shipped 5,205 gallons of Bromide water and 278 gallons of the Medicine water. During the entire year 54,430 gallons of these waters (including the water shipped) were taken from the springs. Out of this total, 34,971 gallons were Bromide and 13,976 gallons were Medicine. During a part of the season for visitors no orders were issued for shipment of these waters, as the supply was not sufficient to permit of its being carried from the springs. LIVE STOCK CROSSING THE PARK. Due to the fact that there are now no rangers in this park who could obtain information regarding the live stock crossing the park, no record has been kept of the number of cattle transported through same. BUILDINGS AND THEIR CONDITION. The following is a list of the buildings in the park, their location, condition, and the purposes for which they are used: Frame cottage, 7 rooms, 2 halls, 3 porches (one sleeping porch), with servant's room attached. Located about 700 feet south of the Pavilion groups of springs. Recently repaired and in good condition. Used as a residence for the superintendent. Frame cottage, 5 rooms, 1 hall, and 3 porches. Located about 450 feet due east of Panther Falls. Habitable. At present unoccupied. Frame cottage, 6 rooms, 1 hall, 3 porches. Located approximately one-third mile south of Pavilion Springs. Habitable but two porches need rebuilding, and roof recovered. At present occupied by Laborers W. K. and A. C. Milligan. Frame cottage, 3 rooms, 1 pantry, and 1 porch. Located 10 rods north of Bromide Springs. Habitable, but needs new roof to entire building and the porch floor rebuilt; also a new flue. At present unoccupied, but will soon be occupied by Laborer W. K. Milligan. Frame cottage, 5 rooms, 1 porch with cement floor. Located about 600 feet southeast of Pavilion Springs. In fairly good condition, but needs flues and roof repaired. At present unoccupied. Stone building, 2 rooms, 1 porch, and coal shed attached, and with comfort station inside building with sewer attachments. Building recently repaired and renovated, and in good condition. Used as superintendent's office. Frame pavilion at Bromide Springs, with stove room attached. In bad condition, crude construction, and should as soon as possible be replaced. Two frame pavilions at Pavilion Springs. Both repaired and repainted a year ago. Pavilion at Hillside Spring, conglomerate rock columns with pagoda roof and cement floor. Repainted a year ago and in good condition. Pavilion at Black Sulphur Spring, frame. Repainted a year ago, and in serviceable condition. Pavilion at Sulphur-Bromide Spring, frame. Repainted a year ago, and in serviceable condition. Pavilion at Wilson Spring, frame. Repainted a year ago, but still in need of repairs, especially to roof. Pavilion at artificial spring near old Vendome, frame. Repainted a year ago and roof replaced. Ten frame resthouses in good condition. Seven old resthouses in fair repair. Frame structures. One resthouse, with sewer attachments at ranger house near superintendent's residence. One new frame barn, with hayloft and buggy shed (the buggy shed with cement floor); also new tool shed with cement floor (the tool shed built during the fiscal year just ended), attached to barn. The whole structure recently painted and in excellent condition. Located immediately south of superintendent's residence. One shed henhouse and one shed storeroom, both crudely constructed. Located, respectively, southeast and immediately east of superintendent's residence. One frame storeroom, roughly constructed. Located immediately east of 5-room cottage, which is 600 feet southeast of Pavilion Springs. One frame stable, small and crudely constructed. Located southeast of 5-room cottage, which is 600 feet southeast of Pavilion Springs. One frame stable, roughly constructed. Located just east of ranger house, which is due east of Panther Falls. One frame barn, new and in good condition. Rebuilt recently from old barn which was blown down by storm on May 6, 1915. Located just west of residence occupied by Laborers W. K. and A. C. Milligan. One small frame crib, crudely constructed. Located just northwest of residence occupied by Laborers A. C. and W. K. Milligan. Frame poultry house, crudely constructed. Located northwest of 3-room cottage near Bromide Springs. One small frame barn, crudely constructed. Located just west of 3-room cottage near Bromide Springs. One small frame tool house and comfort station combined. In good condition and located southwest of superintendent's office. OFFICIAL VISITS. In November, 1914, General Supt. Mark Daniels came here and made a thorough inspection of the park, familiarized himself with the conditions, and made suggestions for its improvement and maintenance which have been of great benefit to me in its administration. ROADS. Under date of October 26, 1914, the department made an allotment of $1,000 for the construction of a new road from Lincoln Bridge along the north bank of Rock Creek to connect the Travertine Road with the road at Bromide Springs. The work of actual construction on this road was commenced on February 24 and completed on May 27, 1915, the entire cost amounting to only $792.27, the amount expended for labor alone being $775.99. The unexpended balance of the $1,000 allotment was transferred to the unallotted funds and reallotted for other purposes. The character of this road is the same as that built along Travertine Creek during the last fiscal year by Mr. E. A. Keys, viz, graded roadbed 18 feet wide between ditches, with a graveled surfacing or paved way 14 feet in width. The entire length of the new road is 5,906 feet, and it is graded with a 5-inch crown, and there is not over a 1 per cent grade on any part of it. It has nine cement culverts built at intervals along the road, which were deemed sufficient to properly care for the drainage. These culverts all have cylindrical openings, four of them with 12-inch openings and five with 18-inch openings, and all have square wing walls. There were 1,180 yards of gravel spread upon the entire road, the gravel used being the natural macadam which is found in abundance within the park. During the month of June, 1915, repairs were made to the south part of Buckhorn Road, which leads south and southeast past Wilson Spring to the south line of the park and to the Bromide and Bromide-Sulphur Lanes. These repairs consisted of the proper grading and side ditching of these roads. The Buckhorn Lane was graded at the south end for a distance of 1,750 feet, the Bromide Lane for its entire length of 3,000 feet, and the Bromide-Sulphur Lane for its entire length of 2,200 feet, making a total of 6,950 feet of newly graded road. These roads have not yet been graveled, but this will be done during the early part of the next fiscal year, and there will then be within the park something like 7 or 8 miles of good driveway, which, if properly maintained, will be of a permanent nature. REPAIRS TO BUILDINGS. Allotment of $250 was made on October 26, 1914, for repairs to the superintendent's office, including painting of both exterior and interior woodwork, as well as the roof, repapering interior, rebuilding porch, and other minor improvements; but when the actual work was begun it was found that the allotment was not much more than sufficient to pay for the material required in the repairs to this building, hence it was necessary to draw on the miscellaneous emergencies and contingencies allotment in order to thoroughly renovate and repair this building. I found some of the sills and all of the underpinning to this house decayed and these had to be replaced, and the old chimney which had been built so as to rest on the ceiling joists had to be torn out and a new one put in its place. The old one had for a number of years been propped up with a piece of timber set up in the middle of the house, and I had the new chimney set on a stone foundation built from the ground up and properly concealed within the walls of the building. The old porch around the office was entirely torn away and a new one built in its stead, and the roof was reshingled and painted. Inside the office was entirely done over, and all the woodwork (including the stationery cabinets and one long counter desk) was stained and grained in imitation oak, and then given a coat of varnish. The outside woodwork was all given two coats of good lead and oil. The front room of the office was repapered and the back room finished with alabastine. The stone piers under the porch had to be torn down and entirely rebuilt. The office now presents a very neat and attractive appearance and will serve very well for this park for some years to come. The entire roof at the superintendent's residence was reshingled and painted, a small sleeping porch built, the house underpinned, and cement steps built on the south and west sides of the house. Some of the windows were repaired and new sash cords and weights were put in. A new 30-barrel galvanized water tank was also installed at this residence, the tank being 5 feet in diameter and 5-1/2 feet in height. During June of this year a new tool shed was constructed adjacent to the barn which was built in 1912 near the superintendent's residence. It was built much like the barn, size 20 by 24 feet, with cement floor and a ventilator on the roof. The new shed was given two coats of good lead and oil, and the old barn was given one good coat of paint, while the entire roof was painted with one coat of good roof paint. This tool shed not only furnishes an excellent place for the protection of the tools and implements belonging to the park, but also provides additional facilities for the storage of crops raised on the park for the use of the park team. CAUSEWAY OVER ROCK CREEK NEAR CONEY ISLAND FORD. A cement causeway 16 feet wide and 146 feet in length was built during June, 1915, across Rock Creek at the Coney Island ford to connect the new Bromide Road with the Travertine Road so that automobiles could easily ford the stream at this point. This causeway was heavily reinforced with reinforcing steel, wire fencing, and old iron bridge timbers, and a sidewalk 2 feet wide was tied to the upstream side of the causeway with heavy steel stirrups, which constitute the reinforcement to the stone piers to which the sidewalk is tied with pieces of steel. The sidewalk is also reinforced in the same way as the causeway, and altogether there were 330 sacks of cement used in the construction of this improvement. The length of the sidewalk is 98 feet. Before putting down the cement floor of this causeway I had the ford filled with a quantity of good sharp rocks as a foundation, and the cement was poured into these rocks, and after the causeway was completed I had it riprapped at both ends to prevent heavy flood waters from undermining it. The total cost of this causeway was $440.46, exceeding the allotment of $370, which was made for this purpose, because of the fact that I found it necessary to increase the length of both the causeway and the sidewalk over the estimated length, thus necessarily increasing the actual cost of construction. This causeway had been built only halfway across the stream when one of the highest flood waters we have had on this creek for 20 years occurred and huge pieces of driftwood floated over it without disturbing the completed portion of the work, and since the completion of this improvement two other heavy flood waters have passed over the causeway without having damaged it. I consider this method of crossing small streams in the national parks an improvement over bridge building, in view of the fact that it is less expensive and more picturesque, and at the same time provides a means of crossing for pedestrians equal to a bridge. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS. An ornamental lawn fence was placed around the superintendent's residence, the fence being 330 feet around, with finished bois d'arc posts set in cement, and an iron gate, the whole having been given two coats of good paint. On May 6, 1915, a heavy windstorm blew down a small barn near the teamster's residence, and about 40 trees in West Central Park, along the Bromide Trail, and around the superintendent's office, also along Travertine Road up to Sycamore Falls. The barn had to be rebuilt and the trees have most of them been cleared away, the timbered parts of them having been cut up into wood and the branches having been used for the purpose of filling washouts along the creek banks. Nearly 200 young trees were planted in the park during the year, and these have been watered when necessary. The most of them are growing nicely, but some in low places died during the continued wet weather in the spring. RECOMMENDATIONS. The following recommendations are submitted as indicating what it is necessary for Congress to provide for the maintenance and improvement of this park during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917. Some of the improvements were suggested in my report for last year, but it was not possible to provide for all from the appropriation made for the fiscal year 1916, and as I consider them important I am repeating them in this report. As mentioned in the early part of this report, the Medicine Spring is submerged by every flood water of Rock Creek, which renders the water of this spring unfit for use each time the creek rises until the spring can be cleaned out; and I have the honor to recommend that $500 be provided for improvement of this spring, the character of the proposed improvement to be a semicircular stone and cement wall (similar to the one now at the Bromide Spring) for the prevention of the overflow of this spring by the creek, the width, length, and height of the proposed wall to be 24 by 26 by 16 feet. The spring itself should be confined within an inclosure constructed of cement, with manhole cover so that it could be cleaned out occasionally. This inclosure should be about 80 feet square. I also again recommend the erection of a new pavilion along the Bromide Cliff, which will embrace both the Medicine and Bromide Springs, in accordance with a report submitted to the department in September of 1913, by Inspector M. L. Dorr. The building should be constructed so as to conform as nearly as possible to the contours of the cliff side, against which it would have to be built, and should be composed of one long room with glass front, opening out onto a balcony which would overhang the creek, and which might be supported by native conglomerate columns. The glass front should be so arranged that it could be closed in winter and opened in summer, and a heating system and coal house might be installed underneath. The dimensions of this building would be about as follows: Twelve feet wide, 222 feet long, and 9 feet high, with an 8-foot porch and an ornamental cupola to break the length of the building and to hold a flagpole. The probable cost of the labor in erecting this building would be about $900. The total cost would be about $3,000. I recommend that this amount be appropriated for the erection of this structure. The Beach Springs (3 in number), located just north of the Coney Island ford, like the Medicine Spring, are submerged with every flood stage of Rock Creek, and as these waters are preferred by many visitors to the park, I feel that the springs should be improved and a pavilion erected over them. I recommend that the proposed improvement to the springs consist of a large inverted funnel-shaped inclosure, confining the three springs so as to make a combined flow of the three springs from one outletthe funnel to be constructed of galvanized iron, over which a cement covering should be laidthe approximate measurement of the proposed inclosure to be 600 square feet. Surrounding this inclosure to the springs proper should be built a square inclosure to prevent overflow of these springs by the creek. This second inclosure should be about 6 feet high at the creek edge and should bed back into the hill, the depth of the side walls gradually decreasing as the hill rises, but the top of the wall should remain level with the wall along the creek's edge. The approximate length of the entire wall is 540 square feet. On the bottom of the outer inclosure should be laid a cement floor, rising with the hill in a succession of 4-foot steps with 6-inch risers, the approximate surface feet of this floor measuring about 720 feet. On the top of the outer inclosure to this group of springs, supported by conglomerate columns, should be erected a pavilion, size 24 by 30 by 9 feet, with pagoda roof supporting a flag pole. The probable cost of labor on this entire improvement, including the pavilion, would be approximately $410, with a total cost of $1,000, and I recommend that the department ask Congress for an appropriation to cover this cost. In my last annual report I also recommended a bridge, to be located immediately south of these springs, the other end to be located near the flush tank for the main line of the sewer, but since the building of the causeway at Coney Island ford, with the sidewalk attached, this bridge is not an essential improvement. As there will be something near 7 or 8 miles of roads in the park when I have finished graveling the roads in the south part of the park, I estimate that it will require about $750 to properly maintain them during the next fiscal year. Out of this there will probably be expended about $720 for labor and $30 for tools and materials. The character of the repairs to be made would be the filling of chuck holes, regraveling where surfacing has worn off, sprinkling roads to prevent surfacing from blowing off with the high winds, and grading and dragging roads. I recommend that $400 be set aside for the purpose of exterminating weeds on about 300 acres of the park most frequented and clearing out underbrush on approximately 300 acres. This would likely include the small parks at Bromide Springs, Cold Springs, East and West Central Parks, around the Pavilion Springs, the superintendent's office and residence, and along the creek banks. The probable cost of labor for these purposes would likely be about $375, and for tools and material about $25. I desire to build a swimming pool in Travertine Creek by building a cement dam at a location near Panther Falls, where there is naturally a deep hole, which would require but little excavation. The probable size of this pool would be about 20 by 300 feet by 2 to 6 feet deep. Last year I estimated that this pool would cost about $150, but after looking more carefully into this proposition I am sure that $250 would more likely cover the cost of building such a pool as I have in mind, the character of the construction to be a cement dam on the downstream end of the pool, the upstream end of the pool to be of natural formation (travertine rock), the dam to be 6 feet deep, 4 feet thick, by 20 feet in length. The probable cost of labor in building this dam and making the excavation necessary would be about $120, while the cement and other material would likely cost as much as $130. Recommendations are also made for the following regular maintenance expenses:
In my last annual report I recommended that leases be granted for bathhouses in the park, or that they be built, maintained, and operated by the Government as sources of revenue. After a year I realize more forcibly than ever the extreme necessity for bathhouses in this park, and I feel that they should be owned and operated by the Government, in preference to granting leases to private individuals or corporations, and I recommend that the Government build one bathhouse during the next fiscal year, the estimated total cost of the building, including equipment, not to exceed $15,000. The supply of water for the bathhouse would be obtained by gravitation from the Hillside Spring, while the sewage would be emptied into the manhole of the flush tank on the south bank of Travertine Creek, which is a part of the siphon to line E of the park sewer system, and a distance of about 300 feet from the proposed location of the bathhouse. The material to be used in the construction of this building should be stone and brick, but it is impossible to give the size of the building or the itemized cost of material, labor, etc., without the assistance of an experienced architect. I also recommend that Congress be asked to provide not to exceed $500 for the purchase of an automobile for use on this park by the superintendent in supervising the work, also for the purpose of showing visitors of note around over the park. At present there is no vehicle of any kind provided for the superintendent's use by the Government, and some provision should be made for a conveyance other than that provided by the superintendent from his own private funds. SUMMARY. Briefly, the appropriation asked for above will total $26,653, all of which could be expended advantageously during the year for which it is requested, and it should be provided as a whole if this park is to be properly maintained and improved. It is impossible to make much of a showing on a park the size of this one with the small appropriations that have heretofore been made for it; and I consider this park attractive enough naturally, and its waters sufficiently beneficial to "the ills the human flesh is heir to" for every effort on the part of our Government to be made toward making it a haven for the sick and a place of rest and pleasure for the well. I hope these recommendations will all be carefully considered and that they will be favorably acted upon. I have the honor to be, Respectfully, R. A. SNEED, The SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, APPENDIX. REGULATIONS OF JUNE 10, 1908. Pursuant to the authority conferred by the acts of Congress approved July 1, 1902 (32 Stat., 656), April 21, 1904 (33 Stat., 220) and the Oklahoma statehood act of June 16, 1906 (34 Stat., 272), the following rules and regulations for the government of the Platt National Park (formerly Sulphur Springs Reservation), in Oklahoma, are hereby established and made public: 1. It is forbidden to injure in any manner any of the springs, mineral deposits, or natural features within the park. 2. It is forbidden to cut or injure any timber or plants growing on the park lands, or to deface or injure any Government property. 3. No camping shall be permitted within 1,000 feet of any spring, nor upon any land except such as may be specifically designed for that purpose by the superintendent. Fires shall not be lighted except by the express permission of the superintendent; when so allowed, campers shall use only dead or fallen timber for fuel, and the utmost care must be exercised at all times to avoid setting fire to the timber and grass. 4. It is forbidden for any person to deposit garbage or refuse upon the park lands, except at places designated for that purpose by the superintendent, or to contaminate any of the springs or streams therein, or to divert or conduct the waters of such springs or streams from the natural or regular course. 5. No person shall remove from any of the bromide, iron, or soda springs more than 1 gallon of water in any one day, nor remove from any of the other springs more than 5 gallons in any one day, nor shall any water be taken therefrom for commercial purposes, except in pursuance of a license issued by the Secretary of the Interior. Whenever in his judgment the circumstances warrant, the superintendent may prohibit the use of the waters of any of the springs in the park other than for immediate drinking purposes at such springs, the facts in such case to be reported to the Secretary of the Interior. 6. Hunting or killing, wounding or capturing any bird or wild animal on the park lands, except dangerous animals when necessary to prevent them from destroying life or inflicting an injury, is prohibited. The outfits, including guns, traps, teams, horses, or means of transportation used by persons engaged in hunting, killing, trapping, ensnaring, or capturing such birds or wild animals, or in possession of game killed on the park lands under other circumstances than prescribed above, will be taken up by the superintendent and held subject to the order of the Secretary of the Interior, except in cases where it is shown by satisfactory evidence that the outfit is not the property of the person or persons violating this regulation and the actual owner thereof was not a party to such violation. Fire arms will only be permitted in the park on written permission from the superintendent thereof. 7. Fishing with nets, seines, traps, or by the use of drugs or explosives, or in any other way than with hook and line, is prohibited. Fishing for purposes of merchandise or profit is forbidden. Fishing may be prohibited by order of the superintendent in any of the waters of the park, or limited therein to any specified season of the year, until otherwise ordered by the Secretary of the Interior. 8. No person will be permitted to reside permanently, engage in any business, or erect buildings or other improvements in the park, without permission, in writing, from the Secretary of the Interior. 9. The herding, grazing, or otherwise trespassing of cattle or loose stock of any kind within the park is strictly forbidden. Stock or cattle may be driven across the park, but must be confined to the roads and kept in motion under competent care while in the reservation. 10. No vehicles will be permitted to travel through the park except upon the roads designated for such traffic by the superintendent, and driving or riding over roads or bridges at a high rate of speed is prohibited. 11. Private notices or advertisements shall not be posted or displayed within the park, except such as may be necessary for the convenience and guidance of the public. 12. The sale of intoxicating liquors in the park is strictly forbidden. 13. No gambling or game of chance shall be permitted within the limits of the park; nor shall any person use profane or obscene language, commit or maintain a nuisance, or be guilty of disorderly conduct or any act involving immorality therein. 14. Persons who render themselves obnoxious by disorderly conduct or bad behavior, or who violate any of the foregoing rules, will be summarily removed from the park and will not be allowed to return without permission, in writing, from the Secretary of the Interior or the superintendent of the park. No lessee or licensee shall retain in his employ any person whose presence in the park shall be deemed and declared by the superintendent to be subversive of the good order and management of the reservation. 15. Any person who violates any of the foregoing regulations will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subjected to a fine, as provided by the act of April 21, 1904, of not less than $5 nor more than $100, and may be imprisoned for a term of not more than six months for each offense. REGULATIONS OF JUNE 1, 1915, GOVERNING THE ADMISSION OF AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. Pursuant to authority conferred by the acts of July 1, 1902 (32 Stat., 641), and April 21, 1904 (33 Stat., 220), setting aside certain lands in the State of Oklahoma as a public park, the following regulations governing the admission of automobiles and motorcycles into the Platt National Park are hereby established and made public. 1. No automobile or motorcycle will be permitted within the metes and bounds of the Platt National Park unless the owner thereof secures a written permit from the superintendent of the park, at Sulphur, Okla., or his representative. 2. Applications for permits must show: (a) Name of owner, (b) number of machine, (c) name of driver, and (d) inclusive dates for which permit is desired, not exceeding one year, and be accompanied by a fee of $1 for each automobile or motorcycle. The permittee will not be allowed to do a transportation business in the park without a special license therefor from the Secretary of the Interior. 3. Speed will be limited to 15 miles per hour in all parts of the park, but this speed must be reduced to not exceeding 10 miles per hour when crossing intersecting roads and making sharp turns. 4. Signals with horn will be given at or near every bend to announce to approaching drivers the proximity of a machine. 5. Horses have the right of way, and automobiles or motorcycles will be backed or otherwise handled as necessary, so as to enable horses to pass with safety. 6. All permits granted at any time when automobiles or motorcycles can enter the park will expire on December 31 of the year of issue. 7. Violation of any of the foregoing rules, or the general regulations for the government of the park, will cause the revocation of permit; will subject the owner of the automobile or motorcycle to any damages occasioned thereby and to ejectment from the reservation; and be cause for refusal to issue a new permit to the owner without prior sanction in writing from the Secretary of the Interior. |