American Planning and Civic Annuals

American Planning and Civic Annuals

American Planning and Civic Annual (1929)

     What the National Parks Mean to the People of the United States Ray Lyman Wilbur

     How the National Park Service Came Into Being—A Reminiscence Horace M. Albright

     The National Parks under Stephen T. Mather Louis C. Cramton

     Our Newest Park—The Grand Tetons Struthers Burt

     Acadia National Park George B. Dorr

     Yosemite on the Way to Protection Horace M. Albright

American Planning and Civic Annual (1930)

     A Review of National Park Developments During 1930 Horace M. Albright

     Yosemite Timber Lands Saved W. B. Lewis

     Uncle Sam Accepts the Great Smokies Arno B. Cammerer

     The Shenandoah National Park

          The Shenandoah Scenery Harold Allen

          The Forgotten People of the Shenandoah Roy Lyman Sexton

     A Bill for National Historical Monuments Louis C. Cramton

     The Open Door for National Historic Shrines Ray Lyman Wilbur

     Colonial Williamsburg William A. R. Goodwin

     Wakefield, the Birthplace of Washington Charles Moore

     How Congress Deals with Proposed National Parks Don B. Colton

     The Kings River Canyon John R. White

     The Florida Everglades

          What We Saw on Our Inspection Trip of the Everglades Ruth Bryan Owen

          The Educational Value of the Everglades Hermon C. Bumpus

     National Park Planning Horace M. Albright

American Planning and Civic Annual (1931)

     Our National Parks—Foreword Ray Lyman Wilbur

     The Year's Advance in National Parks Horace M. Albright

     The National Park Service in Action J. Horace McFarland

     Research and Education in the National Parks Harold C. Bryant

     Trails of the National Parks Frank A. Kittredge

     The New Laboratory of Anthropology at Santa Fe Jesse L. Nusbaum

     Isle Royale Frank R. Oastler

     Death Valley Roger W. Toll

     The Southwestern National Monuments Frank Pinkley

     Plans for Memorials to Honor Stephen T. Mather Isabelle F. Story

American Planning and Civic Annual (1932)

     National Parks Preserve Wilderness Regions Horace M. Albright

     The Romance of National-Park Budgets A.E. Demaray

     Hiding Yosemite's Visitors C. G. Thomson

     The Finest Cactus Gardens of the United States Roger W. Toll

     Planning and Progress in Eastern National Parks Oliver G. Taylor

     The Significance of the International Peace Projects Isabelle F. Story

     Problems of the Public Domain

American Planning and Civic Annual (1934)

     A National Parkway System The Editor

     Larger Opportunities for Public Service Under the National Park Service Arno B. Cammerer

     Emergency Conservation Under the National Park Service John D. Coffman

     Public Works in National Parks A. E. Demaray

     Historic American Buildings Survey Thomas C. Vint

     National History Told by Parks and Monuments Verne L. Chatelain

     Museum Development in the National Parks Harold C. Bryant

     The Road to the House of the Sun Harold Coffin

     Making Americans National Park Conscious During 1934 Isabelle F. Story

     The Jackson Hole Controversy The Editor

     Everglades National Park Authorized

American Planning and Civic Annual (1935)

     New National Park Projects Arno B. Cammerer

     Public Works and National Parks A.E. Demaray

     Museums in National Parks Carl P. Russell

     Wildlife of National Parks George M. Wright

     Shenandoah-Great Smoky Mountains National Parkway Stanley W. Abbott

     History and Our National Parks Verne E. Chatelain

American Planning and Civic Annual (1936)

     Standards and Policies in National Parks Arno B. Cammerer

     The Philosophy of Standards for National Parks George M. Wright

     Public Use Policies C. G. Thomson

     Protection Policies E. T. Scoyen

     Wilderness Policies John R. White

     Archeological and Historic Sites

          Objectives Verne E. Chatelain

          National Park Service in the Field of Southwestern Archeology Jesse L. Nusbaum

          Historical Methods B. Floyd Flickinger

          Adequate Preservation and Development of American Battlefields Branch Spalding

     Wildlife in National Parks George M. Wright

     The Wildlife Conference—A Preview Jay N. (Ding) Darling

     Wilderness and Wildlife Administration in Yellowstone Roger W. Toll

     Wilderness Ben H. Thompson

     Highlights in National Park Legislation

          Kings River Canyon Qualifies as a National Park Ansel Adams

          Kings River National Park—A Good Business Project C. G. Thomson

          History of Mount Olympus Theodore S. Palmer

          Proposed Mount Olympus National Park John B. Yeon

          Status of the Teton Addition Hillory A. Tolson

          History of the Teton Addition Horace M. Albright

     Federal Parkways A.E. Demaray

American Planning and Civic Annual (1937)

     The National Park Service, 1917-1937 Horace M. Albright

     A Review of the Year in the National Parks Arno B. Cammerer

     Atmosphere in the National Parks John R. White

     The Grand Teton Extension Strtuhers Burt

     Do These Areas Merit National Park Status?—A Symposium

          The Kings River Country W. H. Horning

          Mount Olympus—National Park or Monument? Owen A. Tomlinson

          The Proposed Big Bend National Park Herbert Maier

          The Northern Cascades Harlean James

          Escalante National Park Project Merel S. Sager

          Cape Hatteras Seashore Conrad L. Wirth

          The Katahdin National Park Bill Myron H. Avery

          Green Mountain National Park Proposal A. E. Demaray

     National Capital Parks Edward Kelly

American Planning and Civic Annual (1938)

     National Parks

          Introduction Horace M. Albright

          National Parks in National Thrift Arno B. Cammerer

          The Defenders of the National Parks J. Horace McFarland

          Conservation vs. Exploitation Frederic A. Delano

          The Olympic National Park Hon. Harold L. Ickes

     Growth of the National Park System

          National Parks and National Forests—Different Forms of Land Use Hon. M.L. Wilson

          Qualifications for National Parks O. A. Tomlinson

          A National Park Platform Mrs. Roberta Campbell Lawson, Mrs. William A. Lockwood, A. D. Taylor, Ovid Butler, Horace M. Albright

     Forecasting the Future

          The Future of National Parks in Region One Carl P. Russell

          The Future of the National Park Service in Region Two Thomas J. Allen, Jr.

          A Forecast of the Future of the National Park System in Region Three Herbert Maier

          Conservation in Region Four Frank A. Kittredge

     Recreational Use of National Parks

          Ideals John R. White

          Present Uses Edmund B. Rogers

          Park, Parkway and Recreational-Area Study Harry Curtis

          Relation of Operators to Recreation Don Tresidder

     Wilderness Areas

          Development of National Parks for Conservation Thomas C. Vint

          Wilderness Aspects of National Parks Jesse L. Nusbaum

          The Primitive Areas in National Forests C. M. Granger

     Service of State Parks to National Parks Richard Lieber

     Wildlife on the National Forests H. L. Shantz

     National Parks and Wildlife Joseph S. Dixon

     A National Park Service Fish Policy David H. Madsen

American Planning and Civic Annual (1939)

     An Introduction and a Summary Horace M. Albright

     Conservation Oscar L. Chapman

     Selection and Use of National Parks

          The National Park System and Its Future Horace M. Albright

          Use of Wilderness Areas Richard M. Leonard

          Identifying Areas of National-Park Caliber George L. Collins


          The CCC in National Parks and Monuments James J. McEntee

          Recreation in Wilderness Areas Frank C. W. Pooler

          Federal Park Activities Conrad L. Wirth

          Recreation as a By-Product of Reclamation Clifford H. Stone

          Planning for Water Recreation on a National Scale Earle S. Draper

     Archeology, History and Scenery

          Southwestern National Monuments Frank Pinkley

          Our Archeological Heritage Jesse Nusbaum

          Escalante Way—An Opportunity for the National Park Service Herbert E. Bolton

          Conservation of the Natural Beauties and Recreational Values in National Parks Pearl Chase

     The National Park Service

          An Interpretation Arthur E. Demaray


          National Parks in the National Plan Irvin J. McCrary

American Planning and Civic Annual (1940)

     National Parks—A Review of the Year National Park Service

     Dedication of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harold L. Ickes, Gov. Clyde R. Hoey, Gov. William P. Cooper

     National Park Policy Concerning the Colorado River Basin Arno B. Cammerer

     National Parks and New World Idealism Arno B. Cammerer

     Planning the Use of Our Resources in National Parks Frank A. Kittredge

     National Park Policies National Park Service

     An Approach to a National Parkway Plan Thomas C. Vint

     Perspective in National Park Affairs Carl P. Russell

American Planning and Civic Annual (1941)

     Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the National Park Service

          The National Park Movement—A Chronology Horace M. Albright

American Planning and Civic Annual (1942)

     National Parks in Wartime—A Review of the Year Newton B. Drury

     National Parks in the Postwar Period Horace M. Albright

American Planning and Civic Annual (1943)

     The National Parks in Wartime Conrad L. Wirth

     Concerning Latest Developments in Sitka Spruce Situation As They Affect Olympic National Park

     National Parks Look Toward The Peace Newton B. Drury

American Planning and Civic Annual (1944)

     "Land Grabbers?" The Facts Show We Are Not Newton B. Drury

     President Roosevelt Vetoes the Bill to Abolish Jackson Hole National Monument Franklin D. Roosevelt

American Planning and Civic Annual (1946)

     National Parks—The First Thirty Years Newton B. Drury

American Planning and Civic Annual (1947)

     The National Parks and Monuments

     Conservation Problems in Washington Hon. Oscar L. Chapman

     The National Parks Start Back Newton B. Drury

     Conservation Problems in the Northwest O. A. Tomlinson

     Recreational Studies in the Missouri River Basin Lawrence C. Merriam

     The Big Bend and International Park Projects M. R. Tillotson

     The Proposed Everglades National Park and Other Park Projects Thomas J. Allen

     Are We Neglecting Our Historic Heritage? Ronald F. Lee

     Facilities in National Parks Oliver G. Taylor

     The Menace of Private Lands to the National Park System Charles A. Richey

     A Perspective Report on the National Park Service Program of Interpretation Raymond Gregg

     Park Recreation Facilities in Federal Reservoir Areas Lt. Gen. Raymond Wheeler

American Planning and Civic Annual (1948)

     Planning for National Parks and Parkways Newton B. Drury

     Preserving Our Public Possessions Struthers Burt

American Planning and Civic Annual (1950)

     The National Parks Newton B. Drury

American Planning and Civic Annual (1951)

     National Parks, An Essential Land Use Charles A. Rickey

     National Historical Monuments in Florida C. R. Vinten

American Planning and Civic Annual (1952)

     The Aims of the National Park Service in Relation to Water Resources Conrad L. Wirth

American Planning and Civic Annual (1953)

     National Parks in the Regional Land-Use Program Ronald F. Lee

American Planning and Civic Annual (1954)

     The Sanctity of National Parks and Monuments Tom Wallace

American Planning and Civic Annual (1955)

     An Adequate National Park System for 300 Million People Conrad L. Wirth

     Recreational Use of the National Forests Richard E. McArdle

     The Need for Wilderness Areas Howard Zahniser

     Wildlife Resources and Their Protection Ira N. Gabrielson

     Discussion Fred M. Packard

     Service of the National Parks Hon. Douglas McKay

     Tribute to National Parks Bradley H. Patterson

     Importance of National Parks Sen. Harry F. Byrd

     The Record of Congress in Protecting our National Parks Rep. John P. Saylor

Date: 10-Dec-2021